The Plot: The Secret Story of the Protocols of the Elders of Zion

Writer(s): Will Eisner
Artist(s): Will Eisner
Publisher: W. W. Norton
ISBN: 978-0393328608
Price: $14.95
Page count: 160
Year Released: 2005
Status: in print
Original Source: n/a
Other Collected Edition(s): hardcover edition (ISBN 978-0393060454)
Genres: all ages; historical fiction; biography; history
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Possible Objectionable Material: none
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Also in This Series: n/a

Plot Summary
The Plot unravels one of the most insidious hoaxes of the twentieth century, The Protocols of the Elders of Zion: a book that first surfaced in Russia in 1903 and describes a Jewish plot to take over the world. Even though the antisemitic Russian Tsar Nicholas II himself acknowledged that the Protocols was an obvious hoax shortly after the book's first appearance, it continues to be exploited today in the Middle East and elsewhere. In The Plot, Eisner follows the Protocols from its inception to the present, exploring the motives and lives of the men who have perpetuated the hoax up to the present day.

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